We created the CAPEX Decision software to plan and monitor your multi-year investment plan and the associated energy/carbon footprint impact
Our CAPEX Decision software accompanies you in planning your multi-year works plan
CAPEX Decision helps you identify & manage your investment priorities
Software deployed in 9 countries
On more than 2500 sites
Managing 5M m² of real estate
Integrated with with your existing systems, our platform is a decision support tool to identify & arbitrate between the best CAPEX priorities.
Know better to decide better: CAPEX Decision is a knowledge base for managing your CAPEX and optimizing its impact on your assets; a decision support tool.
CAPEX Decision is not limited to green CAPEX
…it allows you to pilot the multiyear investment plan for the complete range of technical equipment…
Customer testimonials
Bernard Guntz, Auchan Retail’s technical asset director in 9 countries, testifies to the benefits of the tool for:
- Understanding the technical condition of equipment & building elements
- Consolidation of replacement/refurbishment needs and priority arbitration
- Portfolio valuation in the event of asset sales
KPI’s origins
Before founding the company, Luc, Stuart, Gilles and Jérôme worked together at a software publisher in the energy sector.
As part of the plans for their major real estate clients, they noticed the absence of a decision-making tool for:
- having up-to-date- knowledge of the state of their portfolio
- identifying investment priorities
From there was born KPI Intelligence.